SEN Saturday Club

We are super excited to announce the launch of our SEN Saturday Club at Bolshaw Primary School, Heald Green, Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire.

The stay and play sessions will be packed full of our sensory equipment including our sensory soft play, dark dens. light table and of course our movement wibble wobble package and tuff trays.

We will have access to the field for movement breaks and outdoor activities - weather dependant.

We will be running two sessions one for under 7’s (suitable for babies and toddlers) and one for over 7’s.

The age range is flexible. So if you have a boisterous 6 year old the over 7’s may be best. If you have a quieter 8 year old you can book the younger session. Please be aware that babies and much younger children with be in the under 7’s group.

For session times and costs check out the Sen Saturdays Page

Booking is essential.


Sensory Play School Workshops


Baby / Toddler Playgroup Bramhall Cheshire